Condition We Treat

Cervical Spondylosis
Cervical Rediculopathy
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis Elbow
Dequervains Synovitis
Carpal Tunnel Synonyms
Trigger Finger
Lumbar Spondylosis
Disc Bulges
Spinal Stenosis
ACL Rehabilitation
Piriformis Syndrome
Hip Joint Pain
Planter Fascitis
Ankle Ligament Strain
Hallux Valgus
Total Knee and Hip Replacement Physiotherapy
Post Fracture Stiffness and Joint Restriction Physiotherapy

Stroke Physiotherapy
GB Syndrome
Multiple Sclerosis
Motor Neurone Disease
Diabetic Nephropathy
Transverse Myelitis
Cervical Myelopathy
Spinal Cord Injury
Facial Paralysis
Cerebral Palsy
Foot Drop

Club Foot Management
Motor Control & Learning
Muscular Dystrophy
Cerebral Palsy
Motor Delay
Pediatric ACL injury
Patellar Dislocation
Congenital Torticollis
Down Syndrome
Improvement for Feeding & Swallow mechanism
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ligament Injury
Post Surgical Therapy
Rotator Cuff tear
Tennis Elbow
Golfers Elbow
Facial Injury
Shoulder Instability
Runner's Knee
Achilles Tendonitis
Shin Pain
Onsite Management Team
Exercise Prescription for different individual Sports Person
Low Back Pain

Women's Health
Antenatal Exercises
Pelvic Pain
Postnatal Care
Pelvic floor Dysfunction
Obesity Management
Preconceptual care
Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction
Low Back Pain in Pregnancy
Services at Our Clinic
We at Fit O Fine now deliver Osteopathy to relieve patient faster. We do Cranial as well as Visceral Osteopathy. Osteopathy emphasise on manual adjustment and the results are amazing.
Who can come for this? if anyone have .......
Migraine headache
Face asymetry
Delayed milestone
Tennis Elbow
Digestive issue
Postural problems
Sleep disorder
Lymphatic problems
Neurological problems
Circulatory Problems
and many more

Manual Therapy
We at Fit O Fine focussed on Manual Therapy of various approach like Maitland, McKenzie, Mulligan, Kaltenborn which Dr. Satyen Bhattacharyya learned from various institutes and great international teachers. Patient gets amazing result with the use of manual therapy.
We try to make patient independent by giving them home exercises and by educating them about proper Posture immediately after the Manual Therapy session.
Electro Therapy
Electrotherapy is the part of Physiotherapy treatment. In Electrotherapy we use electrophysical modalities, which include low, medium and high frequency currents. Here electrical forces applied to the body to change the physiological status of the body for therapeutic purposes.
In Fit O Fine we have all kind of Electrotherapy equipment available in Physiotherapy practice. Our clinic is first to have LASER Therapy in Burdwan. At our clinic, we have different forms of electrotherapy include:
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)
UST (Ultrasound Therapy)
Laser Therapy
IFT (Interferential Therapy)
SWD (Short Wave Diathermy)
Traction (Cervical and Lumbar)
IR (Infrared)
CPM (Continuous Passive Motion)
Wax Bath
Electrical Simulation (Faradic and Galvanic)
UVR (Ultraviolet Radiation)
LWD (Long Wave Diathermy)

Cupping has been used in China and some parts of the African countries for several thousand years, it is difficult to tell in which country was its origin. Cupping was not the earlier name, it was known as ‘horn therapy’ as it was applied with cattle horn.
It is known as Hejama or Hijama in middle east countries. Prophet Muhammad said, "Indeed the best of remedies you have is hijama, and if there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is hijama” . In Arab countries, cupping was applied in different locations and at different times as per the patient’s requirements. The time was selected as per the lunar position.
We use all types of Cupping including bleeding cup for our patients. Cupping has excellent and fast result and patient satisfaction is very good.

Fit O Fine clinic also give services to their patients for NDT. here we are catering CP patient (children with movement problem) & Stroke (Hemiplegia & other Paralysis) patients.
It is a hands on treatment approach and produce excellent result. Here treatment is fun for the children as they will get that types of enviornment. Our exercises are individualished as per requirement of the patients.

Diet Consultation
Our Dietician Mrs. Debasree Sadhu is efficient and knowledgeable lady. We provide free consultation for our Gym member, but anyone can avail this facility of ours. Proper Diet is very important to keep ourself fit. Importance of Diet increases much more fold after Corona Pandemic. Healthy living without Diet Chart is not possible.

We do Chiropractic adjustment in our Clinic.Chiropractic adjustment is a procedure in which trained specialists (chiropractors) use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. It gives high velocity thrust to open facet joint of Vertebrae which in result diminish Pain immediately.

Dry Needling
Dry Needling is a treatment where pain can stop instantly by the use of needle to the muscle trigger point. It releases the myofascial pain and gives excellent result. Fit O Fine physiotherapy clinic has this facility available for their patients.
It is not same like Accupuncture. Dry Needling works on trigger points and Accupuncture is working on meridians. Trigger point Dry Needling is more effective and need expert hand. We have to diagnose and treat the patients, we simply does not follow some meridians for some said disease. Assessment, diagnosis, treatment and home advice are the parts of this treatment.

Exercise Therapy
Posture & Ergonomic training
Gait training
Balance & Co – ordination training
Walking Aids exercises like exercise in Walker / Axillary Crutches / Elbow Crutches/ Walking Stick etc
Chest Physiotherapy like Breathing exercise, Postural Drainage etc
Shoulder Wheel
Finger Abduction Ladder
Heel Exerciser
Toe Exerciser
Wrist Exerciser
Bicycle Erogometer
Shoulder Wheel
Mat Exercise
Medicine Ball Exercise
Quadriceps Table Exercise
Peg Board Exercise
Wobble Board Exercise
Theraband Exercises

Taping is the process of applying tape directly to the skin in order to maintain a stable position of bones and muscles during athletic activity or any musculoskeletal disorder. It is a procedure that uses tape, attached to the skin, to physically keep in place muscles or bones at a certain position. This reduces pain and aids recovery. Taping is usually used to help recover from overuse and other injuries.
We at Fit O Fine deliver high quality taping to the patient to give faster recovery. Dr.Satyen Bhattacharyya was attached to Sports Authority of India Burdwan campus and treated lot of sports injury patient successfully with the help of Taping. Taping also helps in other patient as well as sports person.

Therapeutic Gym
Being active has been shown to have many health benefits, both physically and mentally. It may even help you live longer.
What we do in our THERAPEUTIC GYM?
Fitness is priority in present era, so if you are fit then you will be fine. Our main motto is to make you fit mentally & physically. Physical fitness depends on muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness & body fat composition. If you are physically fit then your mental fitness comes automatically.
We focus on individual exercise prescription, because every individual is different. We plan different exercise protocol for different individual for their needs, but we give emphasis on
Free hand exercises
Yoga & Aerobics
Kettlebell training
Fat reduction packages
Exercise on priority basis (after physical evaluation of individuals)
Determination of exercise tolerance
Cardiac endurance enhancement
Diet Prescription