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Top Exercises For Rotator Cuff Injury

What is Rotator Cuff Injury?

The shoulder is an important joint in the human body that allows 360° movements in all directions.

Since shoulder movements help in carrying out all the basic activities, it contains a collection of muscles, ligaments, and other tendons which help keep the bones of the shoulder and joints in one place by keeping the arm bone's head attached to the socket of the shoulder, and an injury to it is called rotator cuff injury.

These injuries are common in old age people, or in anyone who does work with their arms and shoulders because there are certain works that require repeatedly moving arms and shoulders which causes strain to the joints of the shoulder.

It is seen commonly in painters, constructors, and repairers, etc and a report says that in India alone rotator cuff injury is responsible for thousands of visits to a doctor's clinic.

What are the symptoms of Rotator Cuff Injury -

These are the symptoms you may experience:

  1. The difficulty is sleeping.

  2. Pain in the arms and the shoulders.

  3. Pain while doing a specific set of tasks like combing hair and trying to reach your back.

  4. Cracking sounds when moving the shoulders.

  5. Arm Weakness.

What are the Complications of Rotator Cuff Injury -

If it is left untreated, then soon it will be impossible for you to move your arm (the injured one) and it will be difficult for you to carry out activities, and you will feel the permanent loss of sensation in that arm.

Am I at risk of developing Rotator Cuff Injury -

You are at risk of developing Rotator Cuff Injury if you -

  • Are in your old age. It is seen people above the age of 60 are more prone to rotator cuff tears.

  • Play any sport which requires frequent arm and shoulder movements like cricket, baseball, basketball, tennis, heavy weightlifting etc.

  • Are involved in certain occupations where frequent movement of arms and shoulders is needed to perform the work like - painting, construction, certain repairing jobs etc.

  • Family history of arms and shoulders problem.

Top 3 Exercises for Rotator Cuff Strengthening -

Here are a few exercises which can help you deal with rotator cuff injury better :

Pendulum movement - This is an exercise that will only use your arm, and it targets all the muscles and tendons around your shoulders.

Step - 1: Place one hand on the wall (Straight), and gently swing the injured arm from left to right, side by side.

Step - 2: Once done, then rotate your hands in a circular motion, continue doing this till you feel fatigued, and repeat it several times a day.

Stretching - This exercise can be performed at home and doesn't require any equipment.

It helps with shoulder flexibility, and it is also a good exercise to determine the current condition of your shoulders.

Step - 1: Warm up your hands by doing side lying rotations, and once done then take two big boxes, (taller than you) placed on both sides of the hand and try leaning forward until you feel a stretch in the front of the shoulder.

Step - 2: Do it 20-25 times slowly-slowly, and perform 2-3 every day.

Keep in Mind - Do it until you feel a stretch, but don't overdo it, as it will ruin your condition even more.

Resistance band - This exercise needs a resistance band to perform and an open area.

It makes the arm and shoulder work both at the same time.

Step 1: Take a band and fix it somewhere where it doesn't come loose when pulling out.

Step 2: Sir down on one knee, and make sure the knee opposite to your injured arm is raised.

And put the other hand on the raised knee, and make your body aligned like a straight line.

Step 3: Keep the back straight, and move the band towards yourself slowly, the body should not move when doing it. And do 3-4 sets of 10-23 reps each.

After performing all the exercises, massage the shoulder area with cold water or ice, to get relief from any soreness, pain, and swelling caused by doing the exercises, and don't overdo any exercise.

All of the exercises can be performed at home, but it is always advisable to consult a doctor before doing any exercises because anything done wrong can do more harm to your shoulders than good.

And while doing the exercises if you experience unbearable pain, then immediately consult your physiotherapists.

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